Turtle Race

In repl.it I made a race on turtle python. Python with turtle is the same as turtle art but you can type code which can make it more advanced. I learned in this project that you can make a random integer by importing randint and then typing in a code. That can make it so that turtles move at a random number between two of your choice. For example, a turtle with that code could move between x and y, so like 50-150 etc. I am most proud about making it so that when a turtle passes a certain x coord, the finish line, it would do a celebration dance. I coded it so that when a turtle would pass x cordinate it would move and or move in a circle. My race is unique because I had a turtle to write the finish line and also when the turtles would win, they would do their own unique dance. If I were to add more, I would probably write a countdown and also draw a bit more of the track.

Link to the code: https://repl.it/@RohanPagdiwalla/Turtle-Race#main.py

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